functions are provided to export a GInteractions
object into these two file formats. See 4DN documentation
and UCSC documentation
for more details.
write_bedpe(x, file, scores = NULL)
write_pairs(x, file, seqlengths = GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(x))
gi <- read.table(text = "
chr1 100 200 chr1 5000 5100 bedpe_example1 30 + -
chr1 1000 5000 chr1 3000 3800 bedpe_example2 100 + -",
col.names = c(
"seqnames1", "start1", "end1",
"seqnames2", "start2", "end2", "name", "score", "strand1", "strand2")
) |> as_ginteractions()
write_bedpe(gi, 'gi.bedpe')
#> [1] TRUE
write_pairs(gi, 'gi.pairs')
#> No `seqlengths` provided. The `chromsizes` will be inferred from the interactions and will most likely be inaccurate.
#> [1] TRUE