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About plyinteractions

plyinteractions plyinteractions-package
plyinteractions: a grammar of data manipulation for genomic interactions


Construct a GInteractions object from a tibble, DataFrame or data.frame
anchors1() anchors2() seqnames1() seqnames2() start1() start2() end1() end2() width1() width2() strand1() strand2() ranges1() ranges2() `$`(<GInteractions>)
Enhanced GInteractions getters

dplyr core verbs

Arrange a GInteractions by a column
tally(<GroupedGInteractions>) count(<GroupedGInteractions>) count(<GInteractions>)
Count or tally GInteractions per group
Subset a GInteractions with tidyverse-like filter
group_by(<GInteractions>) group_by(<DelegatingGInteractions>) ungroup(<GroupedGInteractions>)
Group GInteractions by columns
Mutate columns from a GInteractions object
Rename columns from a GInteractions with tidyverse-like rename
Select columns within GInteractions metadata columns
Slice a GInteractions rows by their index
summarise(<GroupedGInteractions>) summarize(<GroupedGInteractions>)
Summarize GInteractions per group

dplyr group helpers

plyranges verbs

flank_downstream() flank_upstream() flank_right() flank_left()
Generate flanking regions from pinned anchors of a GInteractions object with plyranges
shift_downstream() shift_upstream() shift_right() shift_left()
Shift pinned anchors of a GInteractions object with plyranges
stretch(<AnchoredPinnedGInteractions>) stretch(<PinnedGInteractions>)
Stretch pinned anchors of a GInteractions object with plyranges

Overlapping GInteractions

Annotating GInteractions

annotate() annotate_directed()
Annotate both anchors of a GInteractions

Pinning GInteractions

pin() pin_by() pinned_anchors() unpin() pin_first() pin_second() pin_anchors1() pin_anchors2()
Pin GInteractions by anchors set (anchors1 or anchors2).

Anchoring GInteractions