Chapter 3 Promoter marks
Objective: determine if tissue-specific promoter marks (e.g. H3K27ac) are often near genes that are expressed in a tissue-specific manner.
We will load expression data from the GTEx project (Lonsdale and others 2013), which gives median expression in TPM for each tissue. We will use H3K27ac ChIP-seq data from the ENCODE project (Dunham and others 2012).
<- "data/GTEx_Analysis_2017-06-05_v8_RNASeQCv1.1.9_gene_median_tpm.gct.gz"
file <- read.delim(file, skip=2) gtex
We select two tissues, bladder and kidney, and convert the data from a wide format into a tidy format.
<- gtex %>% dplyr::select(Name, Bladder, Kidney...Cortex) %>%
tissues ::rename(gene = Name, Kidney = Kidney...Cortex) %>%
dplyr::mutate(gene = sub("\\..*","",gene)) %>%
dplyrpivot_longer(!gene, names_to="tissue", values_to="tpm")
Now define two vectors of genes that are specific to bladder and kidney:
<- tissues %>%
bladder_expr ::filter(tissue == "Bladder" & tpm > 10) %>%
dplyr<- tissues %>%
kidney_expr ::filter(tissue == "Kidney" & tpm > 10) %>%
dplyr<- intersect(bladder_expr, kidney_expr)
int <- setdiff(bladder_expr, int)
bladder_expr <- setdiff(kidney_expr, int)
kidney_expr # save(bladder_expr, kidney_expr, file="data/bladder_kidney_expr.rda")
Next, use an existing TxDb to locate these genes in the genomes. While we usually recommend to use GENCODE genes for human analysis, because the ENCODE chromatin modification peak files on AnnotationHub are in hg19, we use the UCSC hg19 genes here for simplicity of the code:
Add the ENSEMBL ID and pull out the two tissue-specific sets.
<- genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) g
## 403 genes were dropped because they have exons located on both strands of the same
## reference sequence or on more than one reference sequence, so cannot be represented by a
## single genomic range.
## Use 'single.strand.genes.only=FALSE' to get all the genes in a GRangesList object, or use
## suppressMessages() to suppress this message.
<- g %>% mutate(ensembl = mapIds(, gene_id, "ENSEMBL", "ENTREZID"))
g <- g %>% filter(ensembl %in% bladder_expr)
bladder_g <- g %>% filter(ensembl %in% kidney_expr) kidney_g
Finally we combine the two sets with bind_ranges
, and we change
the feature size from the whole gene extent (the range from the
leftmost exon to rightmost exon), to just the TSS, using anchor_5p
and mutate
<- bind_ranges(bladder=bladder_g,
tss kidney=kidney_g,
.id="gtissue") %>%
anchor_5p() %>%
Now we will obtain the H3K27ac peak sets:
<- AnnotationHub()
ah # query(ah, c("Homo sapiens", "bladder", "H3K27ac", "narrowPeak"))
<- ah[["AH44180"]]
bladder_pks # query(ah, c("Homo sapiens", "kidney", "H3K27ac", "narrowPeak"))
<- ah[["AH43443"]]
kidney_pks save(bladder_pks, kidney_pks, file="data/peaks.rda")
We download these and scale so they have the same 90% quantile of signalValue
<- function(x) quantile(x, .9, names=FALSE)
ninety <- bladder_pks %>%
bladder_pks mutate(signal = signalValue / ninety(signalValue))
<- kidney_pks %>%
kidney_pks mutate(signal = signalValue / ninety(signalValue))
Combine the peaks from bladder and kidney, filter to those with < 0.1%
FDR, and center the peak on the summit (the peak
column gives the
shift from the left side to the summit).
<- bind_ranges(bladder=bladder_pks,
pks kidney=kidney_pks,
.id="ptissue") %>%
filter(qValue > 3, width <= 1000) %>%
mutate(start = start + peak) %>%
select(-peak) %>%
mutate(width = 1)
Finally, once we have two tidy range sets, we can perform the analysis by a join, followed by two lines that take care of multiple overlaps, followed by two lines that give us our tallies of interest.
It appears that tissue-specific peaks are enriched near the tissue-specific genes for both bladder and kidney.
tss join_overlap_left(pks, maxgap=500) %>%
group_by(ptissue) %>% # within peak tissue...
filter(!duplicated(gene_id)) %>% # ...just take the first overlap per gene
group_by(gtissue, ptissue) %>%
summarize(count = n())
## DataFrame with 6 rows and 3 columns
## gtissue ptissue count
## <Rle> <character> <integer>
## 1 bladder bladder 2163
## 2 bladder kidney 1568
## 3 bladder NA 859
## 4 kidney bladder 103
## 5 kidney kidney 208
## 6 kidney NA 242
The above number could also be found with four countOverlaps
by considering all four pairs of overlaps of the two sets of genes and
Another way to avoid counting overlaps more than once per gene is to
use the plyranges function, n_distinct()
tss join_overlap_left(pks, maxgap=500) %>%
group_by(gtissue, ptissue) %>%
summarize(count = n_distinct(gene_id))
## DataFrame with 6 rows and 3 columns
## gtissue ptissue count
## <Rle> <character> <integer>
## 1 bladder bladder 2163
## 2 bladder kidney 1568
## 3 bladder NA 859
## 4 kidney bladder 103
## 5 kidney kidney 208
## 6 kidney NA 242
If we want more information per gene, e.g. suppose we want to compute the average signal per gene of peaks nearby, we need to group twice, once also by gene ID, and the second time integrating over gene ID. While here we add a few more lines of code, performing such an operation with base Bioconductor functions would require adding code to perform the loops, adding many intermediate variables to store results, etc.
tss join_overlap_left(pks, maxgap=500) %>%
group_by(gtissue, ptissue, gene_id) %>% # need per gene stats
summarize(num_overlaps = n(), signal = mean(signal)) %>%
as_tibble() %>% # DataFrame to tibble for further processing
group_by(gtissue, ptissue) %>%
summarize(sum_any_overlaps = sum(num_overlaps > 0),
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'gtissue'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## # Groups: gtissue [2]
## gtissue ptissue sum_any_overlaps mean_signal
## <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl>
## 1 bladder bladder 2163 1.18
## 2 bladder kidney 1568 0.929
## 3 bladder <NA> 859 NA
## 4 kidney bladder 103 0.991
## 5 kidney kidney 208 0.714
## 6 kidney <NA> 242 NA
What’s wrong with this analysis?
- We didn’t figure out the expressed promoter, we just looked at the left or rightmost isoform (for + or - strand genes, respectively).