The GRangesAnchored class and the IRangesAnchored class allow components of a GRanges or IRanges (start, end, center) to be held fixed.











a Ranges object


a RangesAnchored object which has the same appearance as a regular Ranges object but with an additional slot displaying an anchor.


Anchoring will fix a Ranges start, end, or center positions, so these positions will remain the same when performing arithimetic. For GRanges objects, the function (anchor_3p()) will fix the start for the negative strand, while anchor_5p() will fix the end for the positive strand. Anchoring modifies how arithmetic is performed, for example modifying the width of a range with set_width() or stretching a range with stretch(). To remove anchoring use unanchor().


Depending on how you want to fix the components of a Ranges, there are five ways to construct a RangesAnchored class. Here x is either an IRanges or GRanges object.

  • anchor_start(x)Fix the start coordinates

  • anchor_end(x)Fix the end coordinates

  • anchor_center(x)Fix the center coordinates

  • anchor_3p(x)On the negative strand fix the start coordinates, and for positive or unstranded ranges fix the end coordinates.

  • anchor_5p(x)On the positive or unstranded ranges fix the start coordinates, coordinates and for negative stranded ranges fix the end coordinates.


To see what has been anchored use the function anchor. This will return a character vector containing a valid anchor. It will be set to one of c("start", "end", "center") for an IRanges object or one of c("start", "end", "center", "3p", "5p") for a GRanges object.

See also


df <- data.frame(start = 1:10, width = 5)
rng <- as_iranges(df)
rng_by_start <- anchor_start(rng)
#> IRanges object with 10 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#> Anchored by: start
#>            start       end     width
#>        <integer> <integer> <integer>
#>    [1]         1         5         5
#>    [2]         2         6         5
#>    [3]         3         7         5
#>    [4]         4         8         5
#>    [5]         5         9         5
#>    [6]         6        10         5
#>    [7]         7        11         5
#>    [8]         8        12         5
#>    [9]         9        13         5
#>   [10]        10        14         5
#> [1] "start"
mutate(rng_by_start, width = 3L)
#> IRanges object with 10 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>            start       end     width
#>        <integer> <integer> <integer>
#>    [1]         1         3         3
#>    [2]         2         4         3
#>    [3]         3         5         3
#>    [4]         4         6         3
#>    [5]         5         7         3
#>    [6]         6         8         3
#>    [7]         7         9         3
#>    [8]         8        10         3
#>    [9]         9        11         3
#>   [10]        10        12         3
grng <- as_granges(df,
                   seqnames = "chr1",
                   strand = c(rep("-", 5), rep("+", 5)))
rng_by_5p <- anchor_5p(grng)
#> GRanges object with 10 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#> Anchored by: 5p
#>        seqnames    ranges strand
#>           <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>    [1]     chr1       1-5      -
#>    [2]     chr1       2-6      -
#>    [3]     chr1       3-7      -
#>    [4]     chr1       4-8      -
#>    [5]     chr1       5-9      -
#>    [6]     chr1      6-10      +
#>    [7]     chr1      7-11      +
#>    [8]     chr1      8-12      +
#>    [9]     chr1      9-13      +
#>   [10]     chr1     10-14      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
mutate(rng_by_5p, width = 3L)
#> GRanges object with 10 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#>        seqnames    ranges strand
#>           <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
#>    [1]     chr1       3-5      -
#>    [2]     chr1       4-6      -
#>    [3]     chr1       5-7      -
#>    [4]     chr1       6-8      -
#>    [5]     chr1       7-9      -
#>    [6]     chr1       6-8      +
#>    [7]     chr1       7-9      +
#>    [8]     chr1      8-10      +
#>    [9]     chr1      9-11      +
#>   [10]     chr1     10-12      +
#>   -------
#>   seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths