About plyranges |
plyranges: a grammar of genomic data manipulation |
Ranges |
Construct a I/GRanges object from a tibble or data.frame |
Interweave a pair of Ranges objects together |
Combine Ranges by concatentating them together |
Slide or tile over a Ranges object |
Arithmetic |
Anchored Ranges objects |
Stretch a genomic interval |
Shift all coordinates in a genomic interval left or right, upstream or downstream |
Generate flanking regions |
Group a GRanges object by introns or gaps |
Compute the number of ranges in each group. |
Compute the number of distinct unique values in a vector or List |
Core verbs |
Modify a Ranges object |
Reduce multiple values in a Ranges down to a single value |
Subset a |
Sort a Ranges object |
Select metadata columns of the Ranges object by name or position |
Choose rows by their position |
Group a Ranges by one or more variables |
Reduce then aggregate a Ranges object |
Disjoin then aggregate a Ranges object |
Compute coverage over a Ranges object |
Expand list-columns in a Ranges object |
Overlaps |
Join by overlapping Ranges |
Find overlaps within a Ranges object |
Filter by overlapping/non-overlapping ranges |
Find overlap between two Ranges |
Count the number of overlaps between two Ranges objects |
Nearest neighbours |
Find following Ranges |
Find preceding Ranges |
Find nearest neighbours between two Ranges objects |
Add distance to nearest neighbours between two Ranges objects |
Pairing up Ranges |
Pair together two ranges objects |
Set operations |
Vector-wise Range set-operations |
Row-wise set operations on Ranges objects |
Annotation |
Construct annotation information |
Reading and Writing Genomics Data |
Read a BAM file |
Read a BED or BEDGraph file |
Write a BED or BEDGraph file |
Read a BigWig file |
Write a BigWig file |
Read a WIG file |
Write a WIG file |
Read a GFF/GTF/GVT file |
Write a GFF(123) file |
An abstract class to represent operations performed over a file |
DeferredGenomiRanges objects |
Utilities |
Tools for working with named Ranges |
Functional setters for Ranges objects |
Coerce an Rle or RleList object to Ranges |
Create an overscoped environment from a Ranges object |
Objects exported from other packages. |