
Dr. Stefano Mangiola is currently a Postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Prof. Tony Papenfuss at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne, Australia. His background spans from biotechnology to bioinformatics and biostatistics. His research focuses on prostate and breast tumour microenvironment, the development of statistical models for the analysis of RNA sequencing data, and data analysis and visualisation interfaces.

Workshop goals and objectives

What you will learn

  • Basic tidy operations possible with tidyseurat and tidySingleCellExperiment
  • The differences between Seurat and SingleCellExperiment representation, and tidy representation
  • How to interface Seurat and SingleCellExperiment with tidy manipulation and visualisation
  • A real-world case study that will showcase the power of tidy single-cell methods compared with base/ad-hoc methods

What you will not learn

  • The molecular technology of single-cell sequencing
  • The fundamentals of single-cell data analysis
  • The fundamentals of tidy data analysis

Getting started


We will use the Cloud during the workshop and this method is available if you want to run the material after the workshop. If you want to install on your own computer, see instructions here.

Alternatively, you can view the material at the workshop webpage here.

Introduction to tidytranscriptomics


Pseudobulk analyses

Next we want to identify genes whose transcription is affected by treatment in this dataset, comparing treated and untreated patients. We can do this with pseudobulk analysis. We aggregate cell-wise transcript abundance into pseudobulk samples and can then perform hypothesis testing using the very well established bulk RNA sequencing tools. For example, we can use DESeq2 in tidybulk to perform differential expression testing. For more details on pseudobulk analysis see here.

We want to do it for each cell type and the tidy transcriptomics ecosystem makes this very easy.

Create pseudobulk samples

To create pseudobulk samples from the single cell samples, we will use a helper function called aggregate_cells, available in this workshop package. This function will combine the single cells into a group for each cell type for each sample.

pseudo_bulk <-
    tidyomicsWorkshop::seurat_obj |>
    aggregate_cells(c(sample, cell_type), assays = "RNA") |>
  as_SummarizedExperiment(.sample, .feature, RNA)

Tidybulk and tidySummarizedExperiment

With tidySummarizedExperiment and tidybulk it is easy to split the data into groups and perform analyses on each without needing to create separate objects.

Tidybulk functions/utilities available

Function Description
aggregate_duplicates Aggregate abundance and annotation of duplicated transcripts in a robust way
identify_abundant keep_abundant identify or keep the abundant genes
keep_variable Filter for top variable features
scale_abundance Scale (normalise) abundance for RNA sequencing depth
reduce_dimensions Perform dimensionality reduction (PCA, MDS, tSNE, UMAP)
cluster_elements Labels elements with cluster identity (kmeans, SNN)
remove_redundancy Filter out elements with highly correlated features
adjust_abundance Remove known unwanted variation (Combat)
test_differential_abundance Differential transcript abundance testing (DESeq2, edgeR, voom)
deconvolve_cellularity Estimated tissue composition (Cibersort, llsr, epic, xCell, mcp_counter, quantiseq
test_differential_cellularity Differential cell-type abundance testing
test_stratification_cellularity Estimate Kaplan-Meier survival differences
test_gene_enrichment Gene enrichment analyses (EGSEA)
test_gene_overrepresentation Gene enrichment on list of transcript names (no rank)
test_gene_rank Gene enrichment on list of transcript (GSEA)
impute_missing_abundance Impute abundance for missing data points using sample groupings

We use tidyverse nest to group the data. The command below will create a tibble containing a column with a SummarizedExperiment object for each cell type. nest is similar to tidyverse group_by, except with nest each group is stored in a single row, and can be a complex object such as a plot or SummarizedExperiment.

pseudo_bulk_nested <- 
    pseudo_bulk |>
    nest(grouped_summarized_experiment = -cell_type)


To explore the grouping, we can use tidyverse slice to choose a row (cell_type) and pull to extract the values from a column. If we pull the data column we can view the SummarizedExperiment object.

pseudo_bulk_nested |>
    slice(1) |>

We can then identify differentially expressed genes for each cell type for our condition of interest, treated versus untreated patients. We use tidyverse map to apply differential expression functions to each cell type group in the nested data. The result columns will be added to the SummarizedExperiment objects.

# Differential transcription abundance
pseudo_bulk_nested <-
    pseudo_bulk_nested |>
    # map accepts a data column (.x) and a function. It applies the function to each element of the column.
    mutate(grouped_summarized_experiment = map(
        ~ .x |>
            # Removing genes with low expression
            keep_abundant(factor_of_interest = treatment) |>
            # Testing for differential expression using DESeq2  
            test_differential_abundance(~treatment, method="DESeq2") |> 
            # Scale abundance for FUTURE visualisation

The output is again a tibble containing a SummarizedExperiment object for each cell type.


If we pull out the SummarizedExperiment object for the first cell type, as before, we can see it now has columns containing the differential expression results (e.g. logFC, PValue).

pseudo_bulk_nested |>
    slice(1) |>

We can analyse our nested dataset mapping queries across the SummarizedExperiments

pseudo_bulk_nested = 
    pseudo_bulk_nested |>
    # Identify top significant genes
    mutate(top_genes = map_chr(
        ~ .x |> 
            pivot_transcript() |> 
            arrange(pvalue) |> 
            head(1) |> 
    )) |> 
    # Filter top gene
    mutate(grouped_summarized_experiment = map2(
        grouped_summarized_experiment, top_genes,
        ~ filter(.x, .feature == .y)


Plot top differential genes

pseudo_bulk_nested = 
    pseudo_bulk_nested |>
    # Plot significant genes for each cell type
    # map2 is map that accepts 2 input columns (.x, .y) and a function
    mutate(plot = map2(
        ~ .x |>
            # Plot
            ggplot(aes(treatment, RNA_scaled + 1)) +
            geom_boxplot(aes(fill = treatment)) +
            geom_jitter() +
            scale_y_log10() +
            facet_wrap(~.feature, ncol = 3) +
            ggtitle(.y) +


pseudo_bulk_nested |> pull(plot) 

Session Information


  1. <maria.doyle at>↩︎

  2. <mangiola.s at>↩︎